Rare Disease Day 2023

The fifth edition of the raredig Rare Disease Day returns to in-person!
Students, health professionals, and community members met at the Montreal Neurological Institute on March 16th, 2023, to hear from patients and clinicians regarding the challenges faced by people with rare diseases, research and advocacy efforts, and ways to improve rare disease patient care. Poster presentations were also presented by student researchers with a keen interest in making a difference in the rare disease field.
Millions of individuals are affected by rare diseases worldwide and Rare Disease Day is hosted in support of these patients and family members.
To learn more, please read: "2023 edition of Rare Disease Day returns to in-person" by Michael Maalouf - https://healthenews.mcgill.ca/2023-edition-of-rare-disease-day-returns-to-in-person/?fbclid=IwAR0Gn2q6bMkQLJO4MnW4ekg8Y2zvNPes40Fk96Qj6nOyE7OkDi5Sf-BAg0k